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Dr Ajay Chauhan (Taringa, QLD)


Dr Ajay Chauhan (Taringa, QLD)


Dr Ajay Chauhan is a fully qualified, Australian trained Specialist Plastic Surgeon dedicated to excellence in Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

Dr Chauhan completed his formal training in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Brisbane, obtaining his FRACS in 2012. He went on to work as a Consultant Plastic Surgeon in Melbourne at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and Monash Health. Post fellowship training in France, Germany, India and the USA has further enhanced his practice, and he continues to learn from world experts while sharing his expertise with younger plastic surgeons in training.

Ajay was initially drawn to the specialty because of the challenges involved – a high level of surgical skill, attention to detail and extensive knowledge of anatomy. The ability to restore a sense of self to his patients is what keeps him motivated. He is known to be a thoughtful problem solver who acts with compassion and care.

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