Dr Raluca Fleser (North Lakes, QLD)


Dr Raluca Fleser (North Lakes, QLD)

Clinical Haematologist - MBBS FRACP FRCPA

Dr Raluca Fleser is a Clinical Haematologist with special interests in general haematology, pregnancy related haematological issues and diagnostic management of haematological malignancies with a focus on lymphoma and myeloma.

After graduating with a Bachelor of Medicine in 1996, Raluca became a specialist in Internal Medicine before moving from Europe to Australia in 2002. Raluca then commenced post-graduate physician and specialist training in clinical and laboratory haematology at both the Mater and Princess Alexandra Hospitals.

Raluca consults and visits Greenslopes Private Hospital, Holy Spirit Northside Private Hospital, North West Private Hospital, North Lakes Specialist Centre, and Caboolture Private Hospital.

Raluca ensures that each patient is provided with the upmost professional advice, treatment and personable service while in her care.

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